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Develop good software efficiently and maximize the business value.
No! But a good methodology if you can plan at least 2 weeks ahead.
You know your context best. Try out and see what works best. Don't do something because it is written in a book. Do it because it works.
Scrum is not for you if you are not interested in seeing and reducing the pain.
No! What can you do to solve the problems?
It might seem like you have only problems. But don't worry, after a couple of months and years, you will have resolved most of them. Focus and resolve one by one.
Thanks to your estimations and capacity, you know whether the goal is realistic.
In the rare case when it is not realistic, you can communicate and prioritize from the beginning.
Feel free to shoot yourself into the foot. Welcome technical debt, a lot of bugs, and an unmaintainable piece of software.
Between 0.5 and 8 story points.
Easily understandable and verifiable definition of what needs to be done.
Data for better estimations. Do we have systematic errors?
Yes. Stories for the setup.
Marketing is defining requirements for our software. They write stories. They can be part of the reviews. They can be there to answer questions.
Same as marketing.
Only what is relevant for the estimation itself. Leave out everything else.
Simple criterias.
Define and document assumptions. Estimate based on those assumptions. Modify estimations if the assumption do not hold.
Both. Stories in story points and tasks in hours during planning.
We started out electronically and switched to physical cards.
You are not here to make friends. Remind people about the rules.
Make sure that your team is self organizing and self responsible. Be very strict about this!
Difference between an average and an excellent software engineer is measured in factors.
Make sure to have the right people on the team!
Every candidate has to get through a 3 hour pair programming interview.
Goal: As much production ready code as possible.
Before we check in code, we ask a friend to look at it with us.
Before we demonstrate the functionality to the PO, we go through it with a friend.
Periodically, we have team feedback sessions. Three minutes to give feedback to every single person in the team. Be honest! Provide constructive feedback.
Rules that are defined by the team.
Define it! And live up to it.
Don't try to be friends with everybody! A team needs people that try to resolve the uncomfortable stuff! We call it "Wadenbeisser".
Keep them short with the minimal number of people. Have a clear agenda and a protocol sent to all the participants. Be punctual!
Have at least two people per story. Knowledge is automatically shared.
Continuously improve your environment.
Everybody has valuable input. Use techniques that ensure this!
Focus on a very limited number of points.
Make sure you have concrete and verifiable outcomes. Make sure somebody is responsible.
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